3 main types of Termites (anay)
and how to kill them
The most efficient way to stop and exterminate termites is to quickly treat it once detected. Termites are a major nuisance as it will destroy everything and will only get worse once the infestation started — and no matter how much you try to do something about it, they usually don’t immediately go away naturally.
The three main types of termites are: drywood Termites (commonly known as bukbok), dampwood and subterranean (anay).
Drywood and dampwood termites creep through cracks and crevices in the exterior paint of the house, nail holes, and gaps near the windows and other openings and begin to munch through your timber. Subterranean termites go to your home from the soil up by making mud tube tunnels. In all cases, they thrive by eating the timber or wood of your property.
The type of termites you have can be customized with the standard extermination procedures. The standard practice in the Philippines for termite extermination may include fumigation, treatment by spraying termiticides, and some may consider biological mechanical approach that affects their behavior or will naturally exterminate them by the use of natural products. The level of your termite infestation problem will aid in considering the procedures or method that is best for your home.
If you have drywood or dampwood termites that have penetrated all area of the wood in your home, the termite extermination experts may advise that the whole house be enclosed in a tent and gassing the termites via fumigation, the technology for this type of treatment is relatively new in the Philippines and very few offers this kind of service due to the costly process. If you have subterranean termites, usually the soil perimeter of the house will be treated with termite solution chemicals to create a barrier or treated zone and also by drilling to the concrete and apply treatments via injectors into the slab or foundation of the home to eliminate the termite colonies. Once you observe the obvious activity of termites, it’s time to make a quick action and call a pest exterminator near you.